• Hello, there.

    I work to improve the world through Technology and Design, because life should be made of incredible experiences.

    My Work About Me


Work Experience


FEB 2008 TO FEB 2009

TCA Informática

Webmaster Intern

MAR 2009 TO JUN 2011

Dell Inc.

Frontend Developer

JUN 2011 TO OCT 2012


Frontend Developer +
UX Designer

OCT 2012 TO AUG 2015


UX Design Consultant



Senior UX Designer



Work Highlights

Refer a Friend

The Booking.com Refer a Friend is a Marketing product that aims to foster the travellers' community by giving them a reward for sharing Booking.com with their friends.

Amplify Tablet

The idea of Amplify is to reimagine the way teachers teach and students learn. Together with my team in Porto Alegre (Brazil) and NYC (US), I created parts of the teacher and student experiences in an Android in-class platform.

Hôpital Universitaire de Mirebalais

A dear project, after the 2010 earthquake devastated a lot of Haiti's healthcare system, I was chosen to lead the design of a sophisticated Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system for the newest and biggest University Hospital in Haiti, in the city of Mirebalais.

Pixelated - Secure Open Source Email Client

When ThoughtWorks decided to do something to help the free Internet movement, I was selected to help tackle the problem of secure email communication and make sure regular users would understand and benefit from encrypted email.

Feedback from fellow peers

Barbara Wolff Dick

Head of Design / ThoughtWorks

Nat is a passionate designer. She constantly pushes herself - from leading strategic projects to making our work environment better for women. She is a strong UX designer, a bright technologist and a mindful advocate for equality in the workplace. I look forward working with her again.

Mario Areias

Software Developer / ThoughtWorks

I worked with Natalia in two different projects. She made an incredible impact in both of them. As a developer, it was terrific to work with her, she brings lots of knowledge regarding UX and front-end development. She also communicates pretty well and is capable to explain clearly why she took a decision and her train of thought. Also, she is open to feedback and is very customer-focused. I would recommend her in any project or environment where you need a competent UX Designer.

Ritwik Dey

Principal Designer / Amplify

Natalia is a good designer - methodical process, considered wireframes, thoughtful responses, structured arguments and diligent follow-ups. Trained in both graphic design and software development, she brings a wide spectrum of skills to the table. She is actively involved with the design community and constantly shares relevant findings with the rest of the team. Fantastic design asset. Highly recommended.

Mauricio Wolff

UX Designer / Dell Inc.

Natalia is a hard-working, creative professional that brings a lot to any table. Anyone who works with her can talk about her efficient and effective communication, creative thinking, problem solving skills and fine eye for detail. I would recommend her to anyone.

Diogo Biazus

Co-founder & Developer / Engage

Natalia is one of the greatest webdesigners I know. Full of drive, geekiness, and always eager to learn new things. She has a well balanced set of interpersonal, design and code skills. Moreover it's a pleasure to share the same work environment with her.